Linda Dolson

Linda Dolson is a Certified Traditional Naturopath. She has additional certifications in Homeopathy and as a Neuro-physical Reprogramming specialist. She has been trained and certified as a Domestic Violence Counselor, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, and a Life Coach. Ms. Dolson spent over twenty years as a manager at Macys. She is a former President of Safe passage and has been on the Board of Directors for 10 years. Today, Ms. Dolson is working as the Program Director and Counselor for Safe Passage.  As the counselor and health specialist, Ms. Dolson addresses the emotional and health issues of the Safe Passage clients who are women victims of domestic violence. She is able to discover their nutritional deficiencies and customize a nutrition plan, recommending the vitamins that correspond with their specific conditions.  She helps the women and children heal from the scars of abuse breaking the cycle of Domestic Violence by using the Neuro-physcial Reprogramming (NPR) Protocol that bypasses the conscious mind leading to the core of an illness or an emotional identity. Ms. Dolson transforms the women’s emotional DNA, creating a healthy confident individuals.

Linda can be contacted directly at her site: PerfectImageHealth.com


Traci Lynn Cowan

Traci Lynn is a philanthropist and entrepreneur. She is motivated by helping survivors of Domestic Violence, abuse and trauma become their absolute best selves.

Traci Lynn has numerous years of martial arts, self defense training, extreme tactical, weapons and self protection training under her belt. She is a skilled and trained executive protection agent. She is highly trained to keep our survivors safe and to teach them life saving self defense skills.

Traci Lynn’s expertise in Life Success Coaching for Safe Passage has helped women in the following areas:

Domestic violence , fitness, nutrition, mental health, addictions, eating disorders, trauma, ptsd, self defense, self protection / awareness, disabilities, injuries, holistic medicine, health issues and more.

Traci Lynn is a survivor of domestic violence. She shares her experience, strength and hope with you in order to give you the love, hope and support to live your ultimate best life.

Together we can heal one person at a time from the inside out.
Body… Mind and Spirit



Heal from Shame, Anger & Fear;
Heal from Abuse & Harassment.
Heal yourself and you will heal the world.

Safe Passage Counseling Heals.
Your appointed time is now, that you deserve. Thank You for Reaching out to Join Us!
