Ready to begin your healing journey? Get into community with Safe Passage and join us for some food, fun and movements!

Safe Passage Heals presents, Healing Through Movement with fitness trainers and wellness experts. Event will kick off with stretching and warm-up through some turn up music with a DJ. Dance off to Zumba, learn some self defense techniques with our Experts in Self-defense/Sensei and more! Visit our vendor booths and garner some resources for you, your family and community. Resources and gift bags will be given to all attendees and additional gifts and complimentary items given to our Angel Donors . Join the event and celebrate the spring season by turning up the music, shedding, shredding and dancing! Safe Passage provides hope, opportunity, pride and empowerment to women and children who have experienced domestic violence, leading them to a life of freedom and joy. Services include health and nutrition classes, counseling, coaching, medical checkups, reconstructive surgery, self defense classes, job and computer training, transportation, activities and mentorships for children, beauty counseling and residential guidance and supplies.
For any inquiries of any kind [email protected]. Subject: Healing Through Movement Event Inquiry