“Safe Passage is excited to announce its new spokesperson, Australian supermodel, actress and philanthropist, Sophie Turner.”
Sophie Turner began her career as the star of Search for a Supermodel, the Australian reality TV series surrounding the famed Ford Models Supermodel of the World competition. Sophie set fire to Australian television sets, and was quickly signed to Ford Models in the USA. Turner has since graced the pages of the most popular fashion magazines and has appeared on international runways for the world’s top designers.
Sophie later moved on to become an internet sensation and a paparazzi favorite. In 2010, Ms. Turner was dubbed the 2nd top Google search in the world, appearing regularly on Sports Illustrated, FHM and Maxim’s coveted sites. But there is more to Sophie than meets the eye. Boasting beauty and brains, Turner earned a law degree while meeting the demands of her busy modeling career. She later earned a Master of Laws, specializing in Entertainment Law, at UCLA. Of all of her great accomplishments, her proudest achievement is her daughter, Angelica.
Turner currently resides in Los Angeles where she concentrates on her philanthropic efforts. As a survivor of abuse, Turner now serves as a voice for victims of domestic violence in her role as the national spokesperson for Safe Passage, a Los Angeles non-profit that transforms the lives of women and their children by helping them to break the cycle of domestic violence. Sophie is a passionate representative of women and their children, and wishes to devote her skills and legal background to making a great difference within this cause.
Greetings, sisters, friends and colleagues –
“October was National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. To me, it was a somber time as I thought of how prevalent domestic violence is in our communities. But I also saw October as a month of hope, as we gathered together with a common goal, a common purpose, to end the cycle of abuse.
It was my honor to be a part of the Day of Unity press conference in downtown LA at the beginning of the month. I was grateful to be invited to speak at the event, to share my personal story, and to pledge my vision and mission to implement change.
The Day of Unity press conference was an overwhelming event for me to be a part of. Before my speech, I became too emotional to step upon the stage and tell my story. I was not expecting the emotions within me to overflow the way they did; it was a deeply personal experience for me in my own journey of healing and growth. Stepping upon that stage was a humbling and yet invigorating experience – it was the first time I was publicly speaking out about my experience as a victim of domestic abuse.
I wanted to thank each and every person in the room that day, from Trish Steele who so tenderly hosted the event, to councilmember Dennis Zine who introduced me so compassionately. I felt safe, welcomed, and vitalized by the resounding kindness from the great hearts beautiful souls in attendance. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love and support.
The event was a great success, in that so many incredible people, representing many extraordinary organizations and agencies, gathered to recognize national Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I was deeply impressed by the powerful words of Dr. James Beard, who I blame for the lump that remained in my throat for the rest of the day – and the moving testimony of the beautiful Taylor Armstrong, Katherine Sanson, Susan Sengezer and Tanya Brown. You all touched me and inspired me even further to devote my path to effecting change.
I am excited to be a part of the Safe Passage family and I look forward to growing with all of you, individually and collectively in our communities, in our vision to end the cycle of abuse.”
God bless you,