It’s time to focus on your heartfelt challenges of love and worthiness.
Here is the 28 Day Love Challenge to follow daily:
1. Greeting yourself with a “Good Morning Beloved”. Waking up in the morning may be hard for you but this is your challenge today. Repeat to yourself in bed as you are waking up or at your bathroom mirror, “Good Morning Beloved, I am ready to start my 28 Day Love Challenge because someone really cares about me and I am worth it.”
2. Read your affirmation for today: “Keep my heart with all diligence for out of it springs the issue of life.” God I trust you with sharing the deep secrets and issue of how I feel about myself. Thank you for the strength to get through these 28th days.
3. Prepare a journal for yourself daily as you are going through the day of thoughts that are related to the healing of your heart. Tune in to the first song for the day on YouTube link:
4. Next, send an email to your thought of the day that needs healing or direction to loving and getting to know yourself better. Trish Steele is the Founder of Safe Passage Heals, for over 27 years and 95% success rate in helping women heal from the inside out.
5. Pamper Yourself with one or more tasks below as least 3 times a week:
- Take a walk outside in your favorite neighborhood, park, mall or on the beach for 30 minutes.
- Treat yourself to a Juice Bar, Starbucks/local Coffee Shop or a scoop of ice cream.
- Dance at home alone to your favorite song and or take dance lessons.
- Take a hot bath with aroma therapy salts and herbs for 15 minutes or more.
- Give yourself a manicure, facial, pedicure or new hair style.
- Get a massage. It is open and very reasonable in price, you are worth it!
- Go out to eat with a friend and share your 28 day Love Challenge.
- Quiet time cuddling up in your favorite setting at home with a glass of wine or tea and music. (I will have a list of songs for you to listen to.)
- Go shopping for something different like makeup, clothing, shoes or healthy snacks.
6. At the end of the day, clear your thoughts from all tasks of this day and prepare yourself for another YouTube video as you recline into your bed. Here is the link to the bedtime video:
Now tell yourself “I am loved, and God’s grace is on me that I am to learn to love me, for love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things”. Amen